
문화가 꽃피는 도시! 달서아트센터 이미지


가족!믿고 의지하는 존재!


일자리로 리턴, 내 꿈도 리셋! 달서가족문화센터 이미지



Why to work

Join us now! You will learn
plenty of new things!

  • Working at Dalseo Family Culture Center it is important point on your resume assuming the work experience in foreigner country is beneficial and valuable.
  • You will enjoy and join different classes like cooking, barista, yoga, art classes and there are many more to explore!
  • You will work at peaceful environment. Dalseo Family Culture Center has small yard where you can relax and enjoy coffee. It is also located near by bus stop and metro station, which makes the Center easy to find!
  • You will assist in the classes. As a member of DFCC you will have the exclusive opportunity to watch how different classes are held and participate in them! Learn and discover your new talents by yourself!
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