
문화가 꽃피는 도시! 달서아트센터 이미지


가족!믿고 의지하는 존재!


일자리로 리턴, 내 꿈도 리셋! 달서가족문화센터 이미지



How to apply


We are waiting for you !

Dalseo Family Culture Center it is a center of family welfare and regional community.
DFCC helps citizens of Daegu to enjoy the values of the family life. It also supports the families to have rich experience of culture and different hobbies. Moreover, the center dedicates to introduce family as a cornerstone that we build our future on. It also provides passionate cultural services for Daegu citizens through a diversity of cultural and artistic events for the families.

The internships are arranged at the beginning of the semester, and last for 12 weeks based on 12 hours per week for 3 credits. Most internships are unpaid. Full-time internship options are also available during the summer and winter vacations. For more information, please contact the office of educational management:

자유수영 요금안내
Phone +82-70-7780-6649
E-mail kcantalkkorea@gmail.com
Website http://www.dscf.or.kr/pages/main/index.html
Address 137 Joamanm-ro Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Korea, 42760
Dalseo Family cultures center address is: 대구 달서구 조암남로 137. There is near by metro station Jinchon (진천) metro station. Around 10min walk. Or you can take a bus. You can check the bus schedule in Google Maps for checking the next days bus schedule, use Naver or use KakaoMap (preferred) to get current bus schedule. By this app you can follow the bus road, if you feel unconfident about the way to here -Location apps logos to search in Appstore
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